Sayaka Ganz - Reclaimed Creations
Produced by David J. Wagner, L.L.C.
Sayaka Kajita Ganz
b. 1976, currently resides in USA
Sayaka Kajita Ganz was born in Yokohama, Japan, and grew up living in Japan, Brazil, and Hong Kong. Ganz utilizes reclaimed plastic objects like brush strokes which appear visibly unified at a distance though separate at close proximity. She describes her style as “3D impressionism.” Sculptures in this exhibition include recent work depicting animals in motion which are rich in color and energy that create an illusion of form.
"My work is about perceiving harmony, even in situations that appear chaotic from the inside. When observing my sculptures up close, one might see gaps, holes and items being held on only by small points; step away, however, and the sculptures reveal the harmony created when the objects are aligned to the same general direction.
Similarly, it is important to gain perspective by stepping back from current problems and look at the larger picture. Then one can perceive the beauty and patterns that exist . . .
I grew up with Shinto animist belief that all things in the world have spirits. Thus, when I see discarded items on the street or thrift store shelves, I feel a sadness for them and I am moved to make these abandoned objects happy. My sympathy goes out equally to all
discarded objects regardless of materials, but my current working material of choice is plastic. I use mostly common household items to create animal forms with a sense of movement and self-awareness. I use plastics because of the variety of curvilinear forms and colors available. I manipulate and assemble them together as brush strokes to create an effect similar to a Van Gogh painting in three dimensions."
— Sayaka Ganz
Sayaka Ganz earned an MFA in 3D Studies with concentration in sculpture from Bowling Green State University and a BFA in Printmaking with a minor in Theater and Drama from Indiana University. Recent solo exhibitions include: “Danze Della Natura” at the Hermann Geiger Foundation in Cecina, Italy; and “Feng Shui ~ Wind and Water” at the Isle Gallery on the Isle of Man in the U.K. Commissions include a series of four, marine-life sculptures for the Monterey Bay Aquarium in California; a permanent installation depicting an underwater scene with a right whale and various schools of fish in the atrium of the Exploration Tower in Port Canaveral, Florida; and a permanent installation of an underwater scene featuring whales and turtles in the lobby of the Cimer Spa at the Paradise Resort in Incheon, Korea.

“One of the important tasks for artists of our time is to bring more of the natural world back into people's lives, especially in urban areas. When we encounter the true wonders of nature, the beauty we behold transcends our intellects and reaches directly to our hearts. I desire a similar response from viewers of my work; to provoke a re-examination of our relationship to the natural world.”
Exhibit contents include a range of subjects fabricated in reclaimed materials including the examples pictured on this prospectus: "Light" (white horse), 2013 reclaimed plastic objects, welded steel and aluminum, wire, cable ties, hardware, 62"x84"x24" (upper front page); "Nirvana" (bird of paradise), 2015, reclaimed plastic objects, wire, cable ties, 28"x50"x32" (detail lower front page); "Travelers" (polar bears) 2013, reclaimed plastic objects, welded aluminum, wire, cable ties 7'x10'x13' (upper second page); "Uta" (humpback whale) 2013, reclaimed plastic objects, welded aluminum, wire, cable ties, 53”x39”x14” (detail, lower second page). A catalogue of works in the exhibition can be viewed online at
The exhibition, which is sized for a gallery space of approximately 2,000 sq. ft., is accompanied by video showing the artist at work in her studio and lecturing about her style and technique. The exhibition is available for a mid-range fee beginning in July, 2017.
Contents: Ten Sculpture Installations Sized for a Gallery Space of Approximately 2,000 sq. ft.
Rental Fee: Mid-range fee for venues of eight weeks or longer plus shipping and insurance
Support: Education, Press, and Registration Materials
Education: Artist Lectures, Demonstrations, Workshops Available Pending Scheduling
Availability: July, 2017 and thereafter
A catalogue of works in the exhibition can be viewed online at: sayakaganz.com/travelingmuseumexhibition
David J. Wagner, Ph.D., Curator/Tour Director
David J. Wagner, L.L.C., Exhibition Tour Office
Member: American Alliance of Museums
International Council of Museums
All photos by Sayaka Ganz, except , "Light" and Sayaka holding her sculpture, by Act4.co.
Sayaka Ganz: Reclaimed Creations
For further information, please contact:
David J. Wagner, Ph.D.
Curator/Tour Director